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Kamis, 26 Januari 2012

Cara Membuat Lubang Saluran Pembuangan Pada Kolam Terpal

Anda tak perlu lagi membuang banyak waktu, begitu selesai dibuat, saluran pembilas ini dapat langsung difungsikan.

Bagaimana hal ini dapat dilakukan? Anda tentu penasaran bukan? Silakan simak uraian singkat kami berikut ini...

Sebagai contoh kami gunakan pipa paralon (PVC) berdiameter 1,5" (inch) sepanjang 1 meter dengan sok penyambung yang sesuai untuk pipa paralon tersebut. Tentu saja Anda dapat menggunakan diameter dan ukuran panjang pipa paralon (PVC) serta sok penyambung yang berbeda, sesuai dengan kebutuhan.

Langkah pertama, siapkan beberapa alat dan bahan sebagai berikut (gambar 1). 
- 1 pipa paralon (PVC) type D berdiameter 1,5" sepanjang lk 1 m atau lebih (sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan)
- 1 sok penyambung untuk pipa PVC 1,5". Pilihlah sok penyambung yang berkualitas baik
- 1 sok penutup, sesuai ukuran pipa PVC 1,5" 
- 1/2 lembar kertas gosok (amplas/ amril), pilihlah type yang sedikit kasar (No 1 atau 1 1/2)
- 1 mata gergaji besi
- 1 mata pisau/ cutter (ukuran sedang) dan juga lembaran terpal yang akan Anda gunakan sebagai media (kolam) pemeliharaan ikan

Kedua, dengan menggunakan gergaji besi, bagilah ujung pipa paralon menjadi dua bagian yang sama, searah panjang pipa sepanjang kira-kira 8-10 cm (gambar 2) dan (gambar 3)

 gambar 2

 gambar 3

Ketiga, sisipkan bagian ujung lembaran amplas pada lubang yang dibuat sebelumnya (gambar 4) dan putarlah lembaran amplas tersebut mengelilingi ujung pipa paralon sehingga terbalut sempurna (gambar 5)

gambar 4

gambar 5

 gambar 6
Keempat, ujung pipa paralon yang telah terbalut amplas kemudian dimasukkan ke lubang sok penyambung. Lakukan secara perlahan dan hati-hati sehingga tidak terjadi sobekan atau lipatan pada kertas amplas tersebut (gambar 6)

Kelima, putarlah ujung pipa berikut amplas pembalutnya di dalam lubang sok penyambung, pastikan putaran pipa adalah searah dengan proses pembalutan amplas. Lakukan beberapa putaran hingga diperoleh tingkat kekasaran yang merata pada sisi dalam lubang sok. Jika sudah, cabutlah pipa paralon berikut ampas dari lubang sok penyambung tersebut dengan sedikit tarikan sambil tetap mempertahankan arah putaran (gambar 7).

gambar 7

 gambar 8
Keenam, lepaskan amplas dari ujung pipa paralon (PVC) kemudian letakkan lembaran terpal secara tegak lurus pada ujung pipa paralon (PVC) pada lokasi dimana lubang pembilas pada terpal akan dibuat kemudian pada sisi terpal yang berlawanan dipasang sok penyambung (yang sisi/ bagian dalamnya telah dikasarkan) lalu tekanlah sok secara perlahan hingga pipa paralon dan lembaran terpal masuk ke dalam lubang sok (gambar 8)
 gambar 9
Agar diperoleh sambungan yang benar-benar rapat, proses penekanan dapat dibantu dengan memukulkan sebatang kayu pada permukaan sok secara perlahan agar bagian terpal yang berada dalam jepitan sok dan pipa PVC tidak sampai cacat/ sobek (gambar 9).

Lakukan beberapa kali pukulan hingga diperoleh tingkat kekencangan dan kerapatan yang cukup. 

Pastikan permukaan bagian terpal dalam lubang sok penyambung terlihat kencang, rata dan tidak terjadi lipatan (gambar 10).

gambar 10

Ketujuh, buatlah sayatan pada berbentuk 'cross' atau 'X' pada permukaan terpal dengan menggunakan ujung pisau tajam (cutter) secara hati-hati (gambar 11). Usahakan setiap ujung sayatan tidak sampai menyentuh bagian tepi sisi dalam sok penyambung (gambar 12). Potonglah bagian terpal di sekeliling sisi dalam sok penyambung dengan menggunakan pisau (cutter) hingga diperoleh lubang yang rapi (gambar 13). Jika ternyata Anda agak kesulitan merapikan tepian lubang ini, gunakanlah amplas dengan cara mengosokkannya secara perlahan pada arah melingkar di bagian tepian lubang tersebut. 

gambar 11

gambar 12

gambar 13

Kedelapan, pastikan lubang pembilasan telah dibuat dengan benar dan tidak terdapat celah atau cacat pada titik pertemuan antara terpal, pipa PVC dan sok penyambung, baik pada bagian terpal yang akan menjadi sisi luar kolam (gambar 14) maupun terpal bagian dalam kolam (gambar 15).

gambar 14

gambar 15

Sampai tahap ini proses pembuatan lubang pembilasan telah selesai namun masih diperlukan satu langkah lagi yakni memasang sok penutup pada bagian ujung sok penyambung di sisi terpal bagian dalam kolam maupun di sisi luar kolam (jika memang di perlukan).

Kini terpal siap dihamparkan. Mudah dan praktis bukan?? 

Sebagai saluran pembilas, lubang dapat dibuat pada bagian dasar kolam (gambar 16) sedangkan sebagai pengatur level muka air kolam dapat pula dipasang (lebih tepatnya, ditancapkan) sebatang pipa PVC pada lubang pembilas tersebut (gambar 17 & 18).

gambar 16

gambar 17

gambar 18
Dengan sedikit kreatifitas, Anda pun dapat membuat lubang sejenis pada dinding dasar kolam yang dapat berfungsi ganda yakni sebagai saluran pembilas sekaligus juga sebagai lubang tempat memasang pipa siphon (penyedot lumpur dasar kolam).

Selamat mencoba, semoga berhasil !!

Benih Lele Sangkuriang

Benih Lele Sangkuriang Ukuran 2-3

Harga : Rp. 70,- / ekor
Spesifikasi :
- Umur  : 22 Hari
- Panjang benih : + 3 Cm
- Tinggi Tubuh : + 0,8 Cm
- Pakan Utama : Pelet Serbuk (D-0)
- Pengiriman /bok : 10.000 benih

Minimal Order :
- Diambil Sendiri : 1.000 benih
- Kirim Lokal Karesidenan Pati : 5.000 benih
- Kirim Luar Karesidenan Pati : 1 box (10.000 benih)

Benih Lele Sangkuriang Ukuran 3-4

Harga : Rp. 90,-/ekor
Spesifikasi :
- Umur Benih lele : 30 Hari
- Panjang benih : 4 Cm
- Tinggi Tubuh :  1 Cm
- Pakan Utama : Pelet butiran kecil (FF – 999 atau PF – 1000)
- Pengiriman /bok : 8.000 benih

Minimal Order :
- Diambil Sendiri : 1.000 benih
- Kirim Lokal Karesidenan Pati : 4.000 benih
- Kirim Luar Karesidenan Pati : 1 box (8.000 benih)

Benih Lele Sangkuriang Ukuran 3-5

Harga : Rp. 100,- / ekor
Spesifikasi :
- Umur Benih lele : 35 Hari
- Panjang benih :  5  Cm
- Tinggi Tubuh : + 1,2 Cm
- Pakan Utama : Pelet butiran kecil (999 atau 1000)
- Pengiriman /bok : 6.000 benih 

Minimal Order :
- Diambil Sendiri : 1.000 benih
- Kirim Lokal Karesidenan Pati : 3.000 benih
- Kirim Luar Karesidenan Pati : 1 box (6.000 benih)

Benih Lele Sangkuriang Ukuran 4-6
Harga : Rp. 130,- /ekor

Spesifikasi :
- Umur Benih lele : 50 Hari
- Panjang benih :  6 Cm
- Tinggi Tubuh : + 1,3 Cm
- Pakan Utama : Pelet butiran kecil (999 atau 1000)
- Pengiriman /bok : 5.000 benih

Minimal Order :
- Diambil Sendiri : 1.000 benih
- Kirim Lokal Karesidenan Pati : 2.500 benih
- Kirim Luar Karesidenan Pati : 1 box (5.000 benih)

Benih Lele Sangkuriang Ukuran 5-7
Harga : Rp. 150,- /ekor
Spesifikasi :
- Umur Benih lele : 60 Hari
- Panjang benih :  7 Cm
- Tinggi Tubuh : + 1,7 Cm
- Pakan Utama : Pelet butiran kecil (999 atau 1000)
- Pengiriman /bok : 4.000 benih

Minimal Order :
- Diambil Sendiri : 1.000 benih
- Kirim Lokal Karesidenan Pati : 2.000 benih
- Kirim Luar Karesidenan Pati : 1 box (4.000 benih)

Lele Sangkuriang Konsumsi
Kandungan protein LELE SANGAT TINGGI, sekitar 20% ditambah lagi kandungan minyak tak jenuhnya juga sangat tinggi sehingga mendukung metabolisme dalam tubuh. Daging LELE bisa merangsang perkembangan otak anak, karena kandungan GIZI daging Lele sangat tinggi serta mengandung banyak VITAMIN A. Lemak dalam daging LELE mengandung Poli Asam Lemak Tidak Jenuh (PUFA) yang terdiri dari Omega-3 dan Omega-6. Lemak tidak jenuh tidak disintesa tubuh, sehingga harus diperoleh dari makanan. Lemak Ikan LELE dapat menurunkan LDL (Low Density Lipit) kolesterol dalam plasma darah. Kandungan Lemaknya jauh lebih rendah dari daging ayam dan sapi. LELE hanya mengandung lemak 2 Grm saja (per100gram), ini jauh lebih rendah jika dibandingkan sapi 14 dan ayam 25 Gram.
Harga : Rp. 12.000,-/Kg (Isi 8-9 Lele)

Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012

Album Dream Theater 1989 - Sekarang

When Dream And Day Unite


Released: March 6th, 1989


1. A Fortune In Lies
2. Status Seeker
3. The Ytse Jam
4. The Killing Hand
5. Light Fuse And Get Away
6. After Life
7. The Ones Who Help To Set The Sun
8. Only A Matter Of Time

Another Day


Released: July 7th, 1992


1. Another Day
2. A Fortune In Lies (Live)
3. Another Day (Live)

Images And Words


Released: July 7th, 1992


1. Pull Me Under
2. Another Day
3. Take The Time
4. Surrounded
5. Metropolis - Part I: "The Miracle And The Sleeper"
6. Under A Glass Moon
7. Wait For Sleep
8. Learning To Live

Live At The Marquee


Released: September 3rd, 1993


1. Metropolis
2. A Fortune In Lies
3. Bombay Vindaloo
4. Surrounded
5. Another Hand - The Killing Hand
6. Pull Me Under



Released: October 4th, 1994


1. Lie (Edit)
2. Space-Dye Vest
3. To Live Forever (Non Album Track)
4. Another Day (Live)



Released: October 4th, 1994


1. 6:00
2. Caught In A Web
3. Innocence Faded
4. A Mind Beside Itself - Erotomania (instrumental)
5. A Mind Beside Itself - Voices
6. A Mind Beside Itself - The Silent Man
7. The Mirror
8. Lie
9. Lifting Shadows Off A Dream
10. Scarred
11. Space-Dye Vest

Released: October 4th, 1994


1. The Silent Man (LP Version)
2. Take The Time (Demo Version)
3. Eve (Non Album Track)

A Change of Seasons


Released: September 19th, 1995


1. A Change Of Seasons - The Crimson Sunrise
2. A Change Of Seasons - Innocence
3. A Change Of Seasons - Carpe Diem
4. A Change Of Seasons - The Darkest of Winters
5. A Change Of Seasons - Another World
6. A Change Of Seasons - The Inevitable Summer
7. A Change Of Seasons - The Crimson Sunset
8. Funeral For A Friend (Live at Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club)
9. Love Lies Bleeding (Live at Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club)
10. Perfect Strangers (Live at Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club)
11. The Rover (Live at Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club)
12. Achilles Last Stand (Live at Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club)
13. The Song Remains The Same (Live at Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club)
14. The Big Medley (Live at Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club)

Falling Into Infinity


Released: September 23rd, 1997


1. New Millennium
2. You Not Me
3. Peruvian Skies
4. Hollow Years
5. Burning My Soul
6. Hell's Kitchen
7. Lines In The Sand
8. Take Away My Pain
9. Just Let Me Breathe
10. Anna Lee
11. Trial Of Tears
i. It's Raining
ii. Deep In Heaven
iii. The Wasteland

Hollow Years


Released: September 23rd, 1997


1. Hollow Years (Radio Edit)
2. Hollow Years (LP Version)
3. You Or Me (You Not Me-Demo Version)
4. The Way It Used To Be (Non LP Track)

Once In A LIVE time


Released: October 27th, 1998


Disc 1
1. A Change Of Seasons I
2. A Change Of Seasons II
3. Puppies On Acid
4. Just Let Me Breathe
5. Voices
6. Take The Time
7. Keyboard Solo
8. Lines In The Sand
9. Scarred
10. A Change of Seasons IV
11. Ytse Jam
12. Drum Solo
Disc 2
1. Trial Of Tears
2. Hollow Years
3. Take Away My Pain
4. Caught In A Web
5. Lie
6. Peruvian Skies
7. Guitar Solo
8. Pull Me Under
9. Metropolis
10. Learning To Live
11. A Change of Seasons VII

Metropolis Part 2: Scenes From A Memory


Released: October 25th, 1999


1. Regression
2. Overture 1928
3. Strange Deja Vu
4. Through My Words
5. Fatal Tragedy
6. Beyond This Life
7. Through Her Eyes
8. Home
9. The Dance of Eternity
10. One Last Time
11. The Spirit Carries On
12. Finally Free

Through Her Eyes


Released: May 30th, 2000


1. Through Her Eyes (Radio Edit)
2. Through Her Eyes (Alternate Album Mix)
3. Home (Live)
4. When Images and Words Unite (Live medley)
i. Pull Me Under
ii. Under A Glass Moon
iii. A Fortune In Lies
iv. Only a Matter of Time
v. Take The Time

Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence


Released: January 29th, 2002


Disc 1
1. The Glass Prison
2. Blind Faith
3. Misunderstood
4. The Great Debate
5. Disappear
Disc 2
1. Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence
i. Overture
ii. About to Crash
iii. War Inside My Head
iv. The Test That Stumped Them All
v. Goodnight Kiss
vi. Solitary Shell
vii. About to Crash (Reprise)
viii. Losing Time/Grand Finale

Train of Thought

Medium_train of thought

Released: September 11th, 2003


1. As I Am
2. This Dying Soul
3. Endless Sacrifice
4. Honor Thy Father
5. Vacant
6. Stream Of Consciousness
7. In The Name Of God

Live At Budokan


Released: October 5th, 2004


Disc 1
1. As I am
2. This Dying Soul
3. Beyond This Life
4. Hollow Years
5. War Inside My Head
6. The Test that Stumped Them All
Disc 2
1. Endless Sacrifice
2. Instrumedly
3. Trial of Tears
4. New Millennium
5. Keyboard Solo
6. Only a Matter of Time
Disc 3
1. Goodnight Kiss
2. Solitary Shell
3. Stream of Conciousness
4. Disappear
5. Pull Me Under
6. In the Name of God



Released: June 7th, 2005


1. The Root Of All Evil
2. The Answer Lies Within
3. These Walls
4. I Walk Beside You
5. Panic Attack
6. Never Enough
7. Sacrificed Sons
8. Octavarium

Score - 20th Anniversary World Tour


Released: August 29th, 2006


Disc 1
1. The Root Of All Evil
2. I Walk Beside You
3. Another Won
4. Afterlife
5. Under A Glass Moon
6. Innocence Faded
7. Raise The Knife
8. The Spirit Carries On
Disc 2
1. Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence
I. Overture
II. About To Crash
III. War Inside My Head
IV. The Test That Stumped Them All
V. Goodnight Kiss
VI. Solitary Shell
VII. About To Crash (Reprise)
VIII. Losing Time/Grand Finale
2. Vacant
3. The Answer Lies Within
4. Sacrificed Sons
Disc 3
1. Octavarium
2. Intro
I. Someone Like Him
II. Medicate Me
III. Full Circle
IV. Intervals
V. Razor's Edge
3. Encore: Metropolis

Systematic Chaos


Released: June 4th, 2007


1. In The Presence of Enemies Pt.1
2. Forsaken
3. Constant Motion
4. The Dark Eternal Night
5. Repentance
6. Prophets Of War
7. The Ministry of Lost Souls
8. In The Presence of Enemies Pt.2

Systematic Chaos Special Edition CD/DVD


Released: June 5th, 2007


1. In The Presence of Enemies Pt.1
2. Forsaken
3. Constant Motion
4. The Dark Eternal Night
5. Repentance
6. Prophets Of War
7. The Ministry of Lost Souls
8. In The Presence of Enemies Pt.2
- The entire album mixed in 5.1 surround sound
- "Chaos in Progress - The Making of Systematic Chaos"
(a 90-minute documentary directed by Mike Portnoy)

Greatest Hit (...and 21 other pretty cool songs)


Released: April 1st, 2008


Disc 1: (The Dark Side)
1. Pull Me Under (2007 Remix)
2. Take The Time (2007 Remix)
3. Lie (Single Edit)
4. Peruvian Skies
5. Home (Single Edit)
6. Misunderstood (Single Edit)
7. The Test That Stumped Them All
8. As I Am
9. Endless Sacrifice
10. The Root Of All Evil
11. Sacrificed Sons
Disc 2: (The Light Side)
1. Another Day (2007 Remix)
2. To Live Forever
3. Lifting Shadows Off A Dream
4. The Silent Man
5. Hollow Years
6. Through Her Eyes (Alternate Album Mix)
7. The Spirit Carries On
8. Solitary Shell (Single Edit)
9. I Walk Beside You
10. The Answer Lies Within
11. Disappear

Black Clouds And Silver Linings Special Edition


Released: June 23rd, 2009


Disc 1
1. A Nightmare to Remember
2. A Rite of Passage
3. Wither
4. The Shattered Fortress
5. The Best of Times
6. The Count of Tuscany
Disc 2 - Instrumental Versions
1. A Nightmare to Remember
2. A Rite of Passage
3. Wither
4. The Shattered Fortress
5. The Best of Times
6. The Count of Tuscany
Disc 3 - Uncovered 2008/2009
1. Stargazer
2. Tenement Funster/Flick of the Wrist/Lily of the Valley
3. Odyssey
4. Take Your Fingers from My Hair
5. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part Two
6. To Tame A Land

Black Clouds And Silver Linings


Released: June 23rd, 2009


1. A Nightmare to Remember
2. A Rite of Passage
3. Wither
4. The Shattered Fortress
5. The Best of Times
6. The Count of Tuscany

Black Clouds And Silver Linings Deluxe Collector's Edition Box Set


Released: June 23rd, 2009


Deluxe Collector's Edition Box Set (3CD & DVD)
Disc 1
1. A Nightmare to Remember
2. A Rite of Passage
3. Wither
4. The Shattered Fortress
5. The Best of Times
6. The Count of Tuscany
Disc 2
1. Stargazer
2. Tenement Funster/Flick of the Wrist/Lily of the Valley
3. Odyssey
4. Take Your Fingers from My Hair
5. Larks' Tongues in Aspic, Part Two
6. To Tame A Land
Disc 3
1. A Nightmare to Remember (Instrumental)
2. A Rite of Passage (Instrumental)
3. Wither (Instrumental)
4. The Shattered Fortress (Instrumental)
5. The Best of Times (Instrumental)
6. The Count of Tuscany (Instrumental)
The Deluxe Collector's Edition Box Set includes the full album, a CD of instrumental mixes of the album and a CD of six cover songs (the titles of which will be revealed at a later date) plus the following special features:
- Stem mixes of standard CD (try your hand at producer with isolated audio tracks of the entire album)
- Dream Theater mouse mat
- Find a silver foil ticket (100 lucky fans win a Meet & Greet with the band)
- Lithograph of cover art, numbered (100 lucky winners will find a litho signed by Hugh Syme)
- Limited edition audiophile 180-gram double-LP set with exclusive artwork from Hugh Syme

A Dramatic Turn Of Events (Limited Deluxe Collector's Edition Box Set)


Released: September 13th, 2011


1. On the Backs of Angels
2. Build Me Up, Break Me Down
3. Lost Not Forgotten
4. This is the Life
5. Bridges in the Sky
6. Outcry
7. Far From Heaven
8. Breaking All Illusions
9. Beneath The Surface
The "A Dramatic Turn of Events Deluxe Collector's Edition Box Set" includes the "A Dramatic Turn of Events Album", instrumentals of the entire album, a DVD of "The Spirit Carries On", a double-LP Set of "A Dramatic Turn of Events" (180-Gram Vinyl in Gatefold Jacket), Dream Theater branded custom turntable slipmat and a litho print of the album. Also, 50 lucky winners will find a Dream Theater "Ticket For Life", which is randomly inserted into packaging.

A Dramatic Turn Of Events (special edition CD + DVD)

Released: September 13th, 2011


1. On the Backs of Angels
2. Build Me Up, Break Me Down
3. Lost Not Forgotten
4. This is the Life
5. Bridges in the Sky
6. Outcry
7. Far From Heaven
8. Breaking All Illusions
9. Beneath The Surface
The special edition CD/DVD set includes "The Spirit Carries On" - a 60-minute movie documenting Dream Theater's much-discussed drummer auditions.

A Dramatic Turn of Events


Released: September 13th, 2011


1. On the Backs of Angels
2. Build Me Up, Break Me Down
3. Lost Not Forgotten
4. This is the Life
5. Bridges in the Sky
6. Outcry
7. Far From Heaven
8. Breaking All Illusions
9. Beneath The Surface

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